Ben Jonson

Ben Jonson
Ben Jonson- English Renaissance dramatist, poet and actor

Quick Facts & Trivia About Ben Jonson


Name:                 Ben Johnson 
Occupation:        Playwright
BirthDate:           June 11, 1572
Death Date:        August 6, 1637
Place of Birth:     London, England
Place of Death:   London, England
1.     How many children did Ben Jonson have ?
2.     How many times was Ben Jonson imprisoned? 
3.     Ben Jonson's circle of friends and admirers called themselves what?  
4.     Ben Jonson was a major force in Elizabethan and Jacobean theater, second only to whom?
5.     His father passed away shortly before his birth. what was his father's occupation? 
6.     Who was one of the first people cast in the comedy "Every Man in His Humour?"
7.     How did Ben Jonson travel to Scotland in search of his ancestors? 
8.     What was Ben Jonson's wife's name?
9.     In what year did Ben Jonson die?
10.   What was the name of the tavern where Jonson and his friends gathered?
#1.    3 children 
#2.    two times
#3.   Tribe of Ben
#4.   William Shakespeare
#5.   Minister
#6.   William Shakespeare
#7.    By foot
#8.    Anne Lewis
#9.    1637
#10. The Mermaid Tavern

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